Target selection for the Subaru Telescope's Prime Focus Spectrograph

The Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) is a revolutionary new astronomical spectrograph that has been installed at the Subaru Telescope on Maunakea, Hawai`i.  PFS consists of nearly 2,400 optical fibers, each of which simultaneously obtains the spectrum of a different astronomical object.  The fibers are individually positionable, so that the observer may select which stars and/or galaxies to observe with each fiber.  This project involves working with software to optimally select which stars to observe.

Each optical fiber is positioned by a tiny system of motors, for some reason called a "Cobra."  Here are just a few Cobras assembled into a module.  All ~2,400 Cobras are assembled into the hexagonal focal plane, which looks like this.  Each black point represents a fiber tip.

The software that positions these fibers is called Netflow.  Your job is to use Netflow to select the optimal targets in dwarf galaxies, the Great Andromeda Galaxy (M31), and the Milky Way.

To learn more about PFS, please visit the PFS website, or read the overview paper.

Name of research group, project, or lab
Galactic Archaeology at Notre Dame
Why join this research group or lab?

Our group uncovers fundamental truths about the Universe!  If you want to learn cosmic truths, then join us.

On a more practical level, our group routinely hosts undergraduate and even high school researchers.  We are a welcoming bunch, and we devote the time you need to learn skills that will serve you in future research endeavors or your future career.

Prof. Kirby is the chair of the Physics & Astronomy Undergraduate Research Committee.  He is well-versed in undergraduate research at Notre Dame.  If you are a Physics & Astronomy major, then we can discuss how to parlay this project into your honor's thesis, if that is something you desire.

Representative publication
Logistics Information:
Project categories
Physics & Astronomy
Student ranks applicable
First Year
Student qualifications

This project requires a moderate familiarity with scientific programming in Python.  Experience with numpy and scipy is required.  Experience with astropy is optional but useful.

Hours per week
1 credit / 3-6 hours
2 credits / 6-12 hours
Research for Credit
Paid - General
Number of openings
Techniques learned
  • computational algorithms, especially flow networks
  • moderately advanced Python programming
  • software version control (i.e., Github)
  • working with an international collaboration
Project start
Fall 2024
This project will use an Expectations and Structure agreement.
Expectations and Structure

Welcome to the Galactic Archaeology research group at Notre Dame!  You can learn about our research at  We study the origins of galaxies and the elements of the periodic table.  Our primary tool is astronomical spectroscopy.

This agreement serves to establish our expectations of each other.  The terms of the agreement are negotiable before signing.

Your obligations as a researcher:

  1. Foremost, you will treat everyone with dignity and respect.  The PI reserves the right to terminate the research relationship for words, actions, or behavior that indicate disrespect, disdain, or bigotry against anyone, whether that person is in the research group or not.
  2. You will approach the research project with curiosity and optimism.
  3. You will agree to devote on average 3 or more hours per week to this project over the course of the semester.  You may take weeks off (e.g., exams) as needed.
  4. You will make a reasonable effort to participate in group telecons, which may be on a weekday evening to accommodate collaborators in other time zones.
  5. You will keep good notes, and you will make those notes available to the PI.
  6. You will give the PI at least two weeks advance notice if you intend to stop working on the research project.  That allows the PI to make arrangements for the work to be completed by someone else.

My obligations as a PI:

  1. I will treat you with dignity and respect, and I will ensure that other members of the Galactic Archaeology group treat you with dignity and respect.
  2. I will attempt to make the research both educational and enjoyable.
  3. I will be sensitive to your needs to complete classwork and other academic obligations.  I will not be a taskmaster.
  4. I will make myself available for you at least one hour per week.
  5. I will invite you to my biweekly research group meetings.
  6. I will include you on publications to which you contributed substantial work.
  7. I will give you at least two weeks notice if we need to end the project for any reason.  This clause does not apply to cases of egregious misconduct.
Contact Information:
Principal Investigator
Name of project director or principal investigator
Evan Kirby
Email address of project director or principal investigator
1 sp. | 1 appl.
Hours per week
1 credit / 3-6 hours (+1)
1 credit / 3-6 hours2 credits / 6-12 hours
Project categories
Physics & Astronomy